Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Acorn Squash

I love when I can use the leftovers… The following night! This is how the acorn squash recipe came about.

The night before we had when I call just pasta bake! Pasta bake has some kind of tomato-based sauce, browned hamburger, cooked pasta, garlic, and cheese (and whatever else yummy stuff you might want to add... I like mushrooms but my husband hates them therefore they don't get put in the dish). All this is layered in a big baking dish and baked in the oven until the cheese is melted!

So there's your first night dinner! When I make this pasta bake I always have leftovers and my family is horrible about eating leftovers. So if I can make another dish with the leftovers it is a bonus! 

Enter acorn squash! 

I split the squash in half, baste it with grapeseed oil and seasoning and bake cut side up at 350 for 30-35 min! 

Then take out of the oven add your left over pasta bake (I microwave it before so it's already warm), sprinkle a little cheese on top and bake for another 5-10 min until cheese is melted! 
